Monday, April 16, 2012

We've Got Grass!

While I've gotten quite used to seeing this . . . 

. . . every day as I look out the kitchen window and side doors, I'm absolutely THRILLED that our yard is now blanketed in green!  We are grateful (again) to Tio Ruben and Rosalino (friends from Asuncion Christian Academy) who worked so hard to make our yard beautiful!  Here's the play by play:

Day One: leveling out the dirt and starting the fence
to keep Nala off the grass while it "sets"

Day Two: the truck arrived with teeny tiny squares of sod

Working late into the evening

Protecting the sod until they could come back on
day three to finish the fence.

Day Three: Laying the sod, finishing the fence, and
chopping down branches so the grass can get some

The pile of branches cut
(from out neighbor's trees)

One of Rosalino's friend's came by with his horse and
cart to take away all the branches

All done! Bailey snuck onto the grass to check it out!

And while Bailey might miss
rolling around in the dirt, I'm looking
forward to a little more "green"
in our outdoor pictures!

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