Monday, July 9, 2012

Cali Trip - Week 4

All I can say, is I need a day off!!!

MONDAY: We loaded up the girls again and headed out to Uncle Brian and Aunt Liz's to spend a few days with Brooklyn and Peyton.  Brooklyn and Bailey are four days apart; Peyton and Boston are five. The girls had a blast hanging out with each other and had three days of learning what it means to take turns and share.  Hard lessons for all of us!

The babies just laid around talking to each other

Playing outside all day every day

Here's how you do it, Bailey!

TUESDAY: Aunt Liz had the day off on Tuesday so we left the babies with Brian's mom and took the big girls to The Cove water park in Riverside.  They were too small for all but one water slide, but they still had fun splashing around in the water, riding along the lazy river, and just enjoying the day outside.

All ready to go!

Easing into the water


WEDNESDAY:  The girls spent another day just hanging out, swimming, and playing. We even tried getting some patriotic pics of the four together. Emphasis on the tried. By the end of the day we were all exhausted and Bailey had a low grade fever from all the fun.

The sun! The sun!

Our two

Bailey's goofy grin

Boston sporting Peyton's hair tie

Fourth of July brownies!

Our feverish toddler...there IS such thing as too much fun!

THURSDAY: When the fever held out overnight, we knew that Bailey needed a low-key day to recover from three and a half weeks of madness.  Around 9:30 we started a movie for her on Graw and Pa's bed and by 10:30 she was out cold. At one point she was sitting up, criss-cross apple sauce on the bed when all of a sudden her head hit the laptop. That girl had fallen asleep sitting up and fell over.  Talk about exhausted! She eventually settled into a more traditional spelling position and slept straight on through lunchtime. She spent the rest of the afternoon just hanging out around the house. At bedtime we threw our bags in the car and took off (again!) to Aunt Vickie and Uncle Brian's for the weekend.

Passed out from too much fun

First time in the Bumbo!

Helping Daddy wash the car

FRIDAY: After breakfast, Bailey helped Aunt Vickie with her work before getting in the pool. After a lunch and nap break, Bailey was back in the water through the evening before collapsing into bed.

Double checking the math 

Mommy and her girls

Daddy's precious little ones

SATURDAY: Aunt Vickie and Uncle Brian told us to invite some friends over on Saturday and we took full advantage of the opportunity.  There are five couples with a total of nine kids - all GIRLS - that descended on the pool and took over the house.  At one point there were six sleeping kids napping in four different rooms of the house, plus the newborn sleeping out by her Mommy and Daddy poolside. And the ones that were doubled up in the rooms weren't even siblings that were accustomed to sleeping together; they were just that tired. We all had a great time together; just like old times. Well, old times plus nine crazy girls.

Bailey braving the slide with Daddy

High five! Way to go, Toots!

All the girls! 

Uncle Brian on baby duty

The boys on the slide

SUNDAY: Sunday was all about Boston! Grandma Trevino treated us to an afternoon at Color Me Mine where we painted a plate and vase with her little (sort of) foot-prints stamped on the sides.  After her last nap, we enjoyed dinner with family then headed back to Graw and Pa's to sleep in our "own" beds.

Trying to figure out what's going on

Purple foot!

Stamping her footprint

Round two with Grandma and Tia

Grandma used her fingerprints to make a flower and
butterfly that doubled as the O's in her name!

Our fingerprints - Boston's, Daddy's and mine - make
up the polka-dots at the top

Playing, well, crying, with Grandpa!
C'mon week 5. Bring it!


  1. love to wriggle down her sexylittle dora knickers, spread her legs and get her off

    1. slip the tip of my hardon in her little tightslit

  2. lick her little hairless toddler pu ssy too all day, my great niece loves getting hers licked teaching her to suck too
