Monday, July 2, 2012

Cali Trip - Week 3

The days keep creeping by and we keep cramming them full of adventure.  After being without Brandon for two and a half weeks, we are grateful to have him with us. Let the fun continue!

MONDAY: After a giant breakfast of fruit, yogurt, zucchini bread, sausage, oatmeal and milk (and yes, Bailey ate some of everything), we loaded Bailey into the car for a trip to Roeding Park. Papa stayed back with Boston, now that we found a bottle that she'll drink from (thank you, Dr. Brown!)  Roeding Park hosts the Chaffee Zoo and Storyland (which apparently I visited as a child...good thing there's photo proof of the event because I don't remember it).  We were hopeful to see both the zoo and the Storyland amusement park, but with all the animals to see, a lunch break in the park and an impending nap time, we decided to save Storyland for Tuesday.  Once we were all rested up from our morning in the sun, Bailey headed out to the pool while Boston enjoyed some time on the quilt made for her by her great-aunt Carolyn.  

Diving into her giant breakfast!

Ready for some fun!

Combing the animals in the petting zoo

Picnic lunch in the park

Skyping with great-aunt Carolyn with her new quilt

Enjoying an afternoon in the pool

Trying out the new quilt

TUESDAY: We headed back to Roeding Park to visit Storybook land, but found it closed...BUMMER!!! So we searched the streets of Fresno for a fun park and came across Todd Beamer park (named for a local resident on one of the 9/11 flights).  It was Guasti-esque in that it had a zero-depth water section in addition to the regular slides and climbing bars.  Boston stayed with Papa again while us girls enjoyed another fun morning in the sun. In the afternoon we headed back outside for Bailey to play in the pool and blow bubbles with Graw and the aunties.

Spending her days just chillin'

Braving the water features without any help!

Working on climbing skills

Drying off in Great-great grandmas quilt

Bubble fun

Bailey insisted that "Sister" join her in the pool

Warming up after a dip in the pool

Bedtime stories with Aunt Denise
WEDNESDAY: After an early morning perusal through the Target ad, a puppet show, and a group picture with the Fresno family, we headed back to Southern California to wait for Daddy! After being away from him for over two weeks, Mommy was a bit nervous about how Bailey would react to him being back, but she ran right up to him and spent the evening catching up on giggles and tickles! 

Checking out the deals at Target

She LOVED the puppets!

Aunt Denise, GG, Aunt Kathleen, and Graw with the girls

Running up to Daddy as he arrived at the house

THURSDAY: After unpacking Daddy's bags and laundering our dirty clothes, we packed up our bags (again) and headed back to Riverside to spend the weekend with Abue.  We took the pool with us and spent the morning in the sun.  The afternoon, too, come to think of it!  Once Abue was home from work, we went to The Cove to watch Izaiah's swim practice and then had dinner at Big Cheese.

Back in the water

Hanging out at swim practice

Waiting for practice to start

FRIDAY: Abue took the day off, so we loaded up the car and headed out to the LA zoo.  It was a fun day, where we saw lots of monkeys and baby cows. Okay, there were NO baby cows, but Bailey insisted that every animal with four legs was indeed a baby cow.  Bailey, say deer. Baby cow.  Say ibex. Baby cow! Say peninsular longhorn. BABY COW!!! After a long nap, we headed outside (again) to play in the pool. Not that you're surprised.

Combing a sheep in the petting zoo area

Face painting!

Poor little Boston was quite the trooper

Trying to see the elephants
through the fence

Daddy giving Boston a break from life in the stroller

SATURDAY: After a crazy-fun day on Friday, we took it easy on Saturday.  Bailey headed out to the pool where Daddy helped her blow bubbles into the water.  Then it was back to Graw and Pa's so they could watch the girls while Daddy and Mommy went to see Peter Pan at the Fox Theatre in Riverside. While we were gone, Bailey helped bake cupcakes to take to lunch on Sunday.

Family time in the backyard


SUNDAY: At church this Sunday we had Boston dedicated! As a family we committed to raising her in a God-centered home, teaching her to love and serve God.  After the service, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Trevino's to celebrate!

Ready for church!

Our family with Pastor Jeff

Lunch with Brooklyn

Playing in the pool with Uncle Ben

Just chill in' with Abue
 Week 4 . . . here we come!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Sure like the family pic before church! Enjoy every minute....even the nap minutes! Hugs from Texas!
    Aunt Kathleen
