Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cali Trip - Week 2

Well, it's been another busy week!  Our days have been full, but not to the point of exhaustion; we are thoroughly enjoying our time visiting family and friends. And so far we've been without Daddy, but he'll be with us on Wednesday. We can't WAIT for him to join in on all the fun!

MONDAY: Right around ten o'clock - Boston's nap time and Bailey's snack time - we loaded into the car and headed out to Riverside to play with Miss Bekah and Lily.  The girls spent a lot of time playing next to each other and had lessons in cleaning up and sharing. Bailey was introduced to sidewalk chalk and had a fun filled morning!

What's this?

Drawing with Lily

TUESDAY: Aunt Liz came out to Rancho with Brooklyn and Peyton for a playdate at Victoria Arbors Park.  Brooklyn showed Bailey how to climb up, down, and all around while Boston and Peyton attempted to nap in their carseats tucked under a shade tree.  After lunch in the park and a nice long nap, Bailey and Boston tried out the pink blow-up pool that Graw and Pa bought; Bailey swam for nearly two hours!

Dare-devil Brooklyn on the ladder;
our timid Bailey on the stairs!

Lunch-time hugs

The babies!

Boston LOVED the water!

Trying out all her fancy dance moves in the water

WEDNESDAY: After such a fun day on Tuesday, Bailey woke up at 5:50 (as opposed to 8:00, her norm) and was a crabby, crabby little girl.  After she lost her breakfast all over herself (and Mommy), we bathed and relaxed the rest of the morning. We cancelled our swim date with Auntie Kara to avoid further incident.  Instead, Auntie Kara came to the house and we played in the back yard.  Bailey DID end up in the pool, but she took it easy and was acting completely normal after her morning up-chuck.  For dinner, we headed to the Trevino house to visit with Grandma, Grandpa, Tia Brigitte, and Uncle Ben.  They all got to meet Boston and Bailey warmed up to Grandpa in record time! Phew!

"This is my 'I don't feel good' face"

Lunch with Auntie Kara

Auntie Kara and her girls!

Treats with Uncle Ben, Matias and Annalee

Grandma and Grandpa with the girls

THURSDAY: We headed to Guasti Park to meet up with Mommy's bosom friend Bonnie and her son Anthony for a morning of swinging, sliding and WATER!!!  Bailey was a little intimidated by the intensity of the water in the play area - and the kids zooming past at lightning speed - but she ventured in a few times.  Most of the day, though, was spent swinging and sliding on the "normal" park equipment.

Braving the chaos of water and big kids

Post-lunch group picture

Scheming their next move...

FRIDAY: After Boston's 7 A.M. nap (oh, to be a baby again!), we loaded up the car and headed to Timbucktu, I mean Riverside, to spend the weekend with Aunt Vickie and Uncle Brian. We spent all day - apart from nap time - swimming in the water. And we learned from experience that baby sunscreen really DOES work well! 

Yeah, that's right...NO HANDS!!!

Picnic lunch before Bailey's afternoon nap

Hanging out with cousin Brittany

Mommy and her water babies!

SATURDAY: Once Bailey was up, she helped Aunt Vickie with her morning chores: feeding the dog, feeding the bird, and watering the plants.  Then it was back to the pool! We were in the water by 9:30 and didn't get out until nearly 12:30.  During nap time, Uncle Brian found a rabbit in one of his traps and Bailey enjoyed checking it out before we packed back up and headed to Graw and Pa's for the night.

Taking seeds and fruit to the bird

She LOVES to water plants!

She only got out of the water long enough to eat!
(and no, we didn't wait 30 min. before going back in; tsk-tsk)

Checking out the bunny

Boston-girl loves her Aunt Vickie!

SUNDAY: After another tear-filled morning at church (Bailey doesn't like being left in the nursery), we stopped by Carl's Jr. for lunch and then headed north to Fresno.  The girls did a great job in the car and we spent the evening catching up with GG, Aunt Kathleen and Aunt Denise.  

Meeting the girls

Playing with Aunt Kathleen for the first time

Reading stories on "her" chair


  1. love to take off her little cotton traing pants and suck her pussy

    1. I want to sniff them and lick hercunttaste, then let her watch me stroking mycock andcumin them, had lots watch me jerkoff it is so hot

    2. f--k yes I love sniffing and licking tiny knix and just think how good hercu-t would taste,once you get a taste of that age you never want adult again, forget jerking it your self she is old enough to learn to do it for you, the soft, warm tiny hands feel so good doing it to
