Monday, June 18, 2012

Cali Trip - Week 1

While I managed to keep a daily update going while Granny was visiting us in Paraguay, I know that such a feat would be too demanding on my time and sanity if I were to attempt to do the same for our time in California.  Instead, I'll keep you updated by the week.  My goal is to have just one "event" per day while we're here; with a toddler and baby (I think she's too old to be an infant, now right?!) trying to cram too much into one day would push us all to the brink on insanity.  So here's the run-down of how we spent our first week in the states:

MONDAY: We finished unpacking, made a Target run, and worked on resetting all of our internal clocks to the new time zone.   Bailey got her first gift - a trike from Graw and Pa - and Tia Brigitte got to hold Boston for the first time!

First time on the new bike!

First time with Tia Brigitte

TUESDAY: Granny stayed in California a few days before heading home to Utah, so on Tuesday we joined her at Aunt Vickie's for some time at the pool.  Bailey sported her new shades and Boston went for her first swim!

Waiting patiently for it to be pool time!

Boston's first swim.

Bailey with Granny and Aunt Vickie

WEDNESDAY: It's was girls, girls, and more girls on Wednesday when we went over to Auntie Dana and Uncle Dan's to play with Abigail, Audrey and Ella.  After a traumatic experience on the slip-and-slide (she slipped *gasp*) Bailey resigned herself to the pool. Abi proved to be an experienced big sister once Boston was up for her nap and ready to "play". 

Bailey and her "cousin" Audrey

Abi showing Boston how to play with her new toy

Yummy! Meat, cheese, chips and strawberries!

THURSDAY: Thursday was the least eventful day of the week; PHEW!  Graw has a Thursday morning Bible study, so Papa, Bailey and Mommy took BJ (my parent's dog) to the park while Boston slept at home.  After time on the swings and countless trips down the slide, Bailey decided that the sandbox is a perfect place to whip out your crayons and start coloring.

Swinging away with Papa

Really? Who colors in the sand at the park?

FRIDAY: Friday was Boston's three-month birthday (13 pounds, 24 inches as of a week-and-a-half ago) and after the monthly pic was taken, we headed to Aunt Diana's (a.k.a. Abue) to spend the weekend with her.  Once she was home from work, she and Bailey played in the backyard until the cousins showed up to play some more!

Our little girl is getting so BIG!

Fun with Abue

All the kids! :)

SATURDAY: Since we were out in Riverside with Abue, we headed to Fairmont park for some more sliding and swinging with some of the kids on the Trevino side of the family. Boston just chilled on the blankets while the other kids ran Abue ragged!

Taking a break from all the fun

Just hanging out

SUNDAY: After church - and a good nap - on Sunday, we walked down to Dairy Queen for some Father's Day treats for Papa.  Oh, who are we kidding, we ALL wanted treats!  It was a great way to end a busy week, in preparation for more non-stop fun in the days to come.

Ready for church!

Where's my ice cream?!


Happy Father's Day! Love you, Daddy! 


  1. Aunt Kathleen from TexasJune 18, 2012 at 2:38 PM

    These last four pics are darling. I cannot wait to get my hands on y'all!!!! Leaving tomorrow and will help Gigi get ready for your visit. I sent a package ahead today of some fun stuff for Bailey and Boston. Stay rested!

  2. cute little baby girl looks more n more like sex on legs everyday, babypussy is so hot
