Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 6 - Agro Mart

We bundled up against the "cold" this morning and headed back to the mall for the weekly farmer's market that takes place in the top level of the parking lot.  

I pushed Boston along in the stroller so she could get in a good nap, while Bailey walked with Granny.

As per our weekly routine, Bailey snacked on an empanada and juice while Granny and Mommy scoped out the green apples for Daddy's apple pie.

One of the vendors was selling lomito arabe, another Paraguayan specialty.  Take some cabbage, tomato, beef and chicken, throw on a bit of garlic mayonnaise and wrap it all up in a pita-type bread, and voila!

Back at home, Bailey and Boston had some quality play time while Granny and Mommy watched and laughed!

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