Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 5 - The Five M's

Medical, Mall, Movie, and Mexican Monday

We started off the day Monday with a trip to the insurance office to pay our medical premium (and to change to a lower premium/higher deductible plan).  Granny pushed Bailey in the stroller while Mommy wore Boston in the Baby Bijorn.

No trip to El Buen Samaritano would be complete without a stop at the local chipa shop. Chipa is a traditional Paraguayan/South American bread that Bailey absolutely LOVES.  She refuses to call it chipa, insisting that it's just "bread", but you should see her eyes light up when we pull up to the store front!

After navigating the insurance office, we headed to the mall.  We had tried on Friday to see the mall but were rather unsuccessful (see the Black Friday post).  This time we only had to wait for the second elevator and were able to show Granny around all four stories.  We were on a search for a cat for Granny to take back to Aunt Beth, but struck out. We'll keep looking...

Now THIS is what the mall
usually looks like on a weekday!

All snuggly and warm!

We returned to the house empty handed (wow!) and settled in for some quality Lion King time.  Boston woke up during the movie and Bailey pulled their chairs along side each other so they could watch the movie side by side.


And in keeping with Monday night tradition, we met three of Brandon's fellow teachers at a local Mexican restaurant - Ajua!  Tio Ruben joined in the fun and we enjoyed one final dinner as a complete group (the girls and I leave next Sunday and then two of the teachers leave for new jobs before we return).

Group pic at Ajua
Bailey put herself to bed in Boston's car seat
Boston woke up to get in on the fun

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