Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 4 - Lazy, Rainy Sunday...and Sushi

We awoke to rain on Sunday morning and quickly settled into a lazy rainy day routine.  We lounged around the house, watched WAY more TV than usual, and napped the day away.  

Grilled cheese and top ramen...rainy day classic!

Our little cuddle bug!

"Fun" wrestling with Daddy

She was really into whatever was on TV

"Toots! Toots!"

Once afternoon naps were over (and the rain quieted down) we loaded up to walk to a local Japanese restaurant.  But of course it started sprinkling again as we were just a few blocks from the house.  We headed for shelter in a local bakery and - as Brandon ran the stroller back home - we called a taxi to take us the rest of the way to the restaurant.

Granny and the girls!

Showing off her mad chopstick skills
Granny trying her hand at eating sushi with chopsticks
No meal would be complete without silly faces!

Group shot!
One story from dinner: I forgot Bailey's sippy cup with milk at the house.  Not the end of the world at this point in her little life, but I would prefer she sipped on leche than jugo.  So I asked the waiter if they had any milk that I could get in a cup for her. No, senora, sorry, we don't have any.  We just have regular milk that we use in some of the recipes.  Right, I forgot.  A lot of Paraguayans use "special" milk for their kids - milk that is fortified with extra vitamins and minerals, and is also super sugary and vanilla flavored (and they don't drink their milk WITH their meals; huge no-no).  I told him the normal milk would be fine, if I could get some in a little cup for her.  Blank stare for a second, then he gathered himself.  Would you like it warmed? No, cold please, I replied.  Again, a flabbergasted look.  As he walked away, I said, "un poco raro, no?" and he finally let out the first laugh.  Then he and his fellow waiter had a chuckle over my strange request, but Bailey got a cup of milk and showed off her skills at managing a bug girls cup without a lid.  Man, she's growing up fast!


  1. mmmmmmmmmm hold her up with her legs open while I get her naked and eat her pussy

  2. Moms being a big help just hold that one steady as I pull down my pants. I can stick my dick up her just fine mom can just hold her so no squirmys
