Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cali Trip - Week 2

Well, it's been another busy week!  Our days have been full, but not to the point of exhaustion; we are thoroughly enjoying our time visiting family and friends. And so far we've been without Daddy, but he'll be with us on Wednesday. We can't WAIT for him to join in on all the fun!

MONDAY: Right around ten o'clock - Boston's nap time and Bailey's snack time - we loaded into the car and headed out to Riverside to play with Miss Bekah and Lily.  The girls spent a lot of time playing next to each other and had lessons in cleaning up and sharing. Bailey was introduced to sidewalk chalk and had a fun filled morning!

What's this?

Drawing with Lily

TUESDAY: Aunt Liz came out to Rancho with Brooklyn and Peyton for a playdate at Victoria Arbors Park.  Brooklyn showed Bailey how to climb up, down, and all around while Boston and Peyton attempted to nap in their carseats tucked under a shade tree.  After lunch in the park and a nice long nap, Bailey and Boston tried out the pink blow-up pool that Graw and Pa bought; Bailey swam for nearly two hours!

Dare-devil Brooklyn on the ladder;
our timid Bailey on the stairs!

Lunch-time hugs

The babies!

Boston LOVED the water!

Trying out all her fancy dance moves in the water

WEDNESDAY: After such a fun day on Tuesday, Bailey woke up at 5:50 (as opposed to 8:00, her norm) and was a crabby, crabby little girl.  After she lost her breakfast all over herself (and Mommy), we bathed and relaxed the rest of the morning. We cancelled our swim date with Auntie Kara to avoid further incident.  Instead, Auntie Kara came to the house and we played in the back yard.  Bailey DID end up in the pool, but she took it easy and was acting completely normal after her morning up-chuck.  For dinner, we headed to the Trevino house to visit with Grandma, Grandpa, Tia Brigitte, and Uncle Ben.  They all got to meet Boston and Bailey warmed up to Grandpa in record time! Phew!

"This is my 'I don't feel good' face"

Lunch with Auntie Kara

Auntie Kara and her girls!

Treats with Uncle Ben, Matias and Annalee

Grandma and Grandpa with the girls

THURSDAY: We headed to Guasti Park to meet up with Mommy's bosom friend Bonnie and her son Anthony for a morning of swinging, sliding and WATER!!!  Bailey was a little intimidated by the intensity of the water in the play area - and the kids zooming past at lightning speed - but she ventured in a few times.  Most of the day, though, was spent swinging and sliding on the "normal" park equipment.

Braving the chaos of water and big kids

Post-lunch group picture

Scheming their next move...

FRIDAY: After Boston's 7 A.M. nap (oh, to be a baby again!), we loaded up the car and headed to Timbucktu, I mean Riverside, to spend the weekend with Aunt Vickie and Uncle Brian. We spent all day - apart from nap time - swimming in the water. And we learned from experience that baby sunscreen really DOES work well! 

Yeah, that's right...NO HANDS!!!

Picnic lunch before Bailey's afternoon nap

Hanging out with cousin Brittany

Mommy and her water babies!

SATURDAY: Once Bailey was up, she helped Aunt Vickie with her morning chores: feeding the dog, feeding the bird, and watering the plants.  Then it was back to the pool! We were in the water by 9:30 and didn't get out until nearly 12:30.  During nap time, Uncle Brian found a rabbit in one of his traps and Bailey enjoyed checking it out before we packed back up and headed to Graw and Pa's for the night.

Taking seeds and fruit to the bird

She LOVES to water plants!

She only got out of the water long enough to eat!
(and no, we didn't wait 30 min. before going back in; tsk-tsk)

Checking out the bunny

Boston-girl loves her Aunt Vickie!

SUNDAY: After another tear-filled morning at church (Bailey doesn't like being left in the nursery), we stopped by Carl's Jr. for lunch and then headed north to Fresno.  The girls did a great job in the car and we spent the evening catching up with GG, Aunt Kathleen and Aunt Denise.  

Meeting the girls

Playing with Aunt Kathleen for the first time

Reading stories on "her" chair

Monday, June 18, 2012

Cali Trip - Week 1

While I managed to keep a daily update going while Granny was visiting us in Paraguay, I know that such a feat would be too demanding on my time and sanity if I were to attempt to do the same for our time in California.  Instead, I'll keep you updated by the week.  My goal is to have just one "event" per day while we're here; with a toddler and baby (I think she's too old to be an infant, now right?!) trying to cram too much into one day would push us all to the brink on insanity.  So here's the run-down of how we spent our first week in the states:

MONDAY: We finished unpacking, made a Target run, and worked on resetting all of our internal clocks to the new time zone.   Bailey got her first gift - a trike from Graw and Pa - and Tia Brigitte got to hold Boston for the first time!

First time on the new bike!

First time with Tia Brigitte

TUESDAY: Granny stayed in California a few days before heading home to Utah, so on Tuesday we joined her at Aunt Vickie's for some time at the pool.  Bailey sported her new shades and Boston went for her first swim!

Waiting patiently for it to be pool time!

Boston's first swim.

Bailey with Granny and Aunt Vickie

WEDNESDAY: It's was girls, girls, and more girls on Wednesday when we went over to Auntie Dana and Uncle Dan's to play with Abigail, Audrey and Ella.  After a traumatic experience on the slip-and-slide (she slipped *gasp*) Bailey resigned herself to the pool. Abi proved to be an experienced big sister once Boston was up for her nap and ready to "play". 

Bailey and her "cousin" Audrey

Abi showing Boston how to play with her new toy

Yummy! Meat, cheese, chips and strawberries!

THURSDAY: Thursday was the least eventful day of the week; PHEW!  Graw has a Thursday morning Bible study, so Papa, Bailey and Mommy took BJ (my parent's dog) to the park while Boston slept at home.  After time on the swings and countless trips down the slide, Bailey decided that the sandbox is a perfect place to whip out your crayons and start coloring.

Swinging away with Papa

Really? Who colors in the sand at the park?

FRIDAY: Friday was Boston's three-month birthday (13 pounds, 24 inches as of a week-and-a-half ago) and after the monthly pic was taken, we headed to Aunt Diana's (a.k.a. Abue) to spend the weekend with her.  Once she was home from work, she and Bailey played in the backyard until the cousins showed up to play some more!

Our little girl is getting so BIG!

Fun with Abue

All the kids! :)

SATURDAY: Since we were out in Riverside with Abue, we headed to Fairmont park for some more sliding and swinging with some of the kids on the Trevino side of the family. Boston just chilled on the blankets while the other kids ran Abue ragged!

Taking a break from all the fun

Just hanging out

SUNDAY: After church - and a good nap - on Sunday, we walked down to Dairy Queen for some Father's Day treats for Papa.  Oh, who are we kidding, we ALL wanted treats!  It was a great way to end a busy week, in preparation for more non-stop fun in the days to come.

Ready for church!

Where's my ice cream?!


Happy Father's Day! Love you, Daddy! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Girls Trip

Late Saturday night, Granny and Mommy loaded into the car with Bailey and Boston and headed to the airport in Asuncion.  We were quite the scene in the airport with our cart piled high with luggage and the double stroller weighed down with our carry-on bags.  

The trip was exhausting, but rather uneventful.  I think back to the post I wrote nearly two years ago on our first trip to Asuncion where we had stories at every airport and on every flight; this trip was nothing like that.  The staff at the ticket counter were helpful, but nothing noteworthy.  The flight attendants were neither overly attentive or annoyingly absent.  Our layover in Panama was the prefect length of time to get a snack, take a bathroom break, and stretch our legs.  So here are a few pictures and just a few tidbits from our trip:

Bailey was a WRECK (sort-of) on the first flight. We had put her to bed on Saturday night at 8:30 before we left for the airport at 10:30. She got a 2 hour "nap" and was ready to play when we got to the airport - and on the plane.  But because her night was interrupted, she was still so tired, but was fighting it with everything she had.  She was in and out of her seat, wanting to touch and play with anything and everything. About an four hours into the flight, I had had enough. I grabbed her, pulled her into my lap and wrestled her to sleep.  Literally.  She fought back at first, flailing her arms and crying a bit, but when I smacked her leg and told her "you WILL go to sleep" she sighed, found her thumb and was out within seconds.  She even stayed asleep as I slid her into her seat in order to be ready for Boston's next meal.

As I messaged Brandon from the Panama airport, Boston was MVP of the flight from Paraguay.  She was relatively calm and only screamed to the point of embarrassment for Mommy once, as we waited to disembark the plane; we got quite a few sympathetic looks and one man assured me that it was just her ears.  Thank you, kind stranger.

As we waited for our second plane, there was a flurry of activity at the gate next to ours. Best I can figure, COPA airlines was having the inaugural flight of a new (and possibly larger) plane.  There was a buffet of snacks, treats and juices for the ticket holders, and several airline personnel gave speeches at the gate before letting everyone board.  Photographers were snapping away and there was even a ribbon-cutting ceremony of sorts. For our people-watcher daughter Bailey, it was a welcome addition to the otherwise boring happenings in an airport.

This made me chuckle: when I went to get us a snack, I was charged in U.S. dollars - as expected - but was given change in three currencies: U.S., Panamanian, and Paraguayan.  Weird.

The second flight passed much as the first: a restless toddler, disoriented infant and two exhausted adults.  But we survived and made it safely to LAX a few minutes ahead of schedule.

Immigration was simple and since I had the girls, we were ushered to the U.S. Diplomat line and waited for maybe two minutes.  As we explained our reason for travel and turned in our blank declaration form, Bailey started screaming "POTTY!!"  The clerk explained that we had already missed the closest bathroom on the other side of customs, but he was gracious enough to let me take her backwards through the line.  I balanced a nearly-asleep Boston on my lap as I crouched down in front of the toilet and helped Bailey do her thing.  As we went back through the same line - and were ushered through without stopping - a supervisor stopped us and asked what we were doing.  My explanation garnered a furrowed brow and a scolding look thrown back at the clerk, but he let us pass (phew!). Our luggage and stroller were waiting on the carousel and we made it out to the car with no further incident.

We're home!